Another aspect of the sectarian question is apt to be overlooked. Sects, while their first inspiration is fresh and their numbers small, have always been distinguished for the strength of brotherly love within their own body. But when the membership transcends local bounds, and the initial impulse is materialised into a systematised organisation, that warmth of complete and unreserved fraternity is necessarily apt to cool. It is superfluous to show how Christianity was compelled by its own success to become less a brotherhood than a Church. Within Judaism we find at every epoch, from the period before the Christian era down to the present time, the continuous formation of new unions, which display intensity of brotherhood while young and small, and which progress in the normal way towards greater aloofness as the body grows older and bigger. Religion is kept fresh by the outbreak of sectarianisms; this is the great good accruing from the creation of the new sects. For these recurrent outbreaks of sectarianism are also outbreaks of brotherliness within the new sect, they are the renewals of the religious stream, the openings up of new wells of the humane spirit which comes direct from God.
- from pages 160-161, Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels