Ever since 1947 these same Judaean Hills had proved to be a treasure trove of ancient documents, and Qumran lay only a short distance to the north. The Masada excavators were not to be disappointed. In all, portions of fourteen scrolls- biblical, apocryphal and sectarian- were recovered from the ruins of Masada. Most were found in one of the western chambers of the casement wall, Room 1039 on the excavation charts. Among the scrolls were parts of the Books of Psalms, Leviticus, Ezekiel, Deuteronomy, the Wisdom of Ben-Sira or Ecclesiasticus, and the pseudepigraphal Book of Jubilees. Together with the Qumran finds these discoveries represented a turning-point in biblical research. They established beyond a shadow of a doubt the relative accuracy of the scribal transmission of the biblical texts from ancient times, particularly those which originally reached the West not in the Hebrew in which they were first written but via a Greek translation.
- from page 214, Silent Cities, Sacred Stones