Today we hear a lot of talk to the effect that our original form of government has been outmoded; that it's old fashioned and needs to be brought up to date; that you can't resist the trend of history; and that we are now in the midst of a new world-revolution.
But the truth of the matter is that the American revolution for human freedom is the only thing that's really new, and it did not end with the surrender of Cornwallis nor with the signing of the Constitution. It's still going on, and the counterrevolutionists- the enemies of freedom- are on the march. Their major attack is not on the open battlefield. It is in the fifth-column technique of skillfully boring from within- a program of infiltration and attrition.
The principal secret weapon is traceable to Lenin, who allegedly instructed his followers to first confuse the vocabulary. Lenin was smart. He knew that thinking can be done only in words and that accurate thinking requires words of precise meaning. Confuse the vocabulary, and the unsuspecting majority is at a disadvantage when defending themselves against the small but disciplined minority which knows exactly what it wants and which deliberately promotes word-confusion as the first step in its efforts to divide and conquer.
Lenin was an able strategist, and his instructions have borne fruit. There are evidences of it on every side. The result is that the communication of logical thought has become increasingly difficult, until today we are living in world of sugar-coated fallacies, cliches, false meanings, and double talk.
- from pages 256-257, The Mainspring of Human Progress