The events of the thirteenth and fourteenth of Nisan are documented in more detail than any other two days in the entire Word of God. This alone should demonstrate to us the vital necessity of rightly dividing these records with minute accuracy. If God thought these two days important enough to merit such full reporting, then surely we can consider them important enough to merit our careful scrutiny. We will not see God's Word fit together if we stretch information or ignore details, or say, "What difference does it make?" These two days must be given a careful and complete examination for they are filled with some of the most important events of all time.
The events of the thirteenth and fourteenth of Nisan are documented in more detail than any other two days in the entire Word of God. This alone should demonstrate to us the vital necessity of rightly dividing these records with minute accuracy. If God thought these two days important enough to merit such full reporting, then surely we can consider them important enough to merit our careful scrutiny. We will not see God's Word fit together if we stretch information or ignore details, or say, "What difference does it make?" These two days must be given a careful and complete examination for they are filled with some of the most important events of all time.
- from page 281, Jesus Christ Our Passover