....Let it be said, with reference to the Gospels, and all the Scriptures, that no doctrine of inspiration should be imposed upon the Sacred Writings, but drawn from them. It is fatal to frame a theory of inspiration, and then attempt to explain the Scriptures in the light of it. The right method is to let a doctrine of inspiration arise out of the facts. Examine the Evangelic Records in the light of this principle.
Still another fact is that the writers were not supernaturally informed of particulars which they could obtain by inquiry. Sufficient proof of this is much of Luke's Gospel. In his preface (i. 1-4) are two important statements; (a) that 'many had taken in hand to draw up a narrative' of Jesus' life and work, and to some of these records no doubt Luke had access; and (b) that his own method was to 'trace the course of all things accurately from the first'; that is, he obtained information from many quarters, and he was under the necessity to do so as he was not an apostle, and had no first-hand knowledge of the things about which he wrote.
Still another fact is that the writers were not supernaturally informed of particulars which they could obtain by inquiry. Sufficient proof of this is much of Luke's Gospel. In his preface (i. 1-4) are two important statements; (a) that 'many had taken in hand to draw up a narrative' of Jesus' life and work, and to some of these records no doubt Luke had access; and (b) that his own method was to 'trace the course of all things accurately from the first'; that is, he obtained information from many quarters, and he was under the necessity to do so as he was not an apostle, and had no first-hand knowledge of the things about which he wrote.
- from page 141, A Guide to the Gospels