Let us endeavor, then, to see what is the agreement, and what is the disagreement, between St. Paul and St. Peter. It will be argued in the following pages that in what we may call dogma the two apostles are substantially in accord; that in the practical sphere St. Peter differs widely from St. Paul, not as one who misunderstands a teacher, but as one who looks at things from a different point of view. It will be argued also, and this is a point that is usually passed over, that, where the two differ, St. Peter stands perceptibly nearer to the evangelists and to the Book of Acts. We may venture to assume here that Acts is a genuine history, written by St. Luke, an educated, intelligent, sincere man, who had personal knowledge of much that he relates, and took pains to inform himself about the rest.
- from page 34, The International Critical Commentary on the Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude