chronology of the four gospels
As we can read through the Gospels in a few hours, it goes without saying that these four records are able to cover only the tip of the iceberg concerning all that Yeshua (Jesus) did and said. Thus the fourth Gospel closed with this acknowledgement.
- JOHN 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
The question that then begs to be answered is, Did GOD have a hand in compiling the four Gospel accounts? Was HE an active participant in their construction? Did HE inspire, in some fashion, the original writers?
Because of the apparent contradictions found in the Gospels, many scholars believe that all four evangelists just did their best to compile a history from the different sources which they had at their disposal. Hence, the critics believe that we have four different and at times conflicting testimonies. But as Christians can we accept this?
If we believe that Christ was GOD's Son and that GOD gave Him for the redemption of the world, can we accept the idea that GOD would not somehow preserve a testimony of HIS Son's accomplishments? Would GOD allow the record of all that HIS Son endured to be lost to the ages? Of course not. We must approach the Gospels as if they join in one harmonious testimony, complimenting and enhancing one another. We must recognize that GOD himself was working behind the scenes, so to speak, in compiling them, so as to show forth HIS mighty work in Christ.
Our attitude is the key to what we see and understand. Many apparent contradictions that scholars stumble over, we will see fit together to demonstrate the beauty and intricacy of the scriptures. If HE who hung the stars in the vacuum of Space did indeed have a hand in inspiring these Gospels accounts, then oh how much they must show forth HIS magnificence. Small details apparently inserted for no apparent reason in one Gospel unveil great truths in another Gospel. It is only when the four separate accounts are allowed to illuminate each other that we fully see their beauty.
Howbeit, inspiration is not where GOD takes over the hand of the writer and determines every letter written. This word inspiration (pneustos) is from the Greek root word pneo, meaning to blow, as when the wind fills a sail and carries the vessel some distance (JOHN 3:8). In the same fashion, on certain important and timely occasions GOD blew HIS word into HIS servants, filling their mental sails and carrying them forward to write or speak. Biblical writers thus received inspiration to write, to let flow that word or phrase or paragraph.
After the inspiration, after this breeze had subsided, the penman may have laid his work aside, waiting for more inspiration. But he may just as likely have continued writing from his own experience or imagination, that is until more inspiration filled him full and carried him forward again (see the Study, The Inspiration of Scripture).
As chosen apostles, Matthew and John wrote as eyewitnesses to many of the events of which they personally participated. On the other hand, Luke wrote mostly from interviews which he had conducted with many of those eyewitnesses, probably decades after the incident (LUKE 1:1-3). As such, there was no guarantee that his sources were always accurate and precise. Luke was most careful to note the inadequate reliability of some of those sources by describing in discreet language the events at hand, such as “And it came to pass also on another sabbath” (6:6) or “And it came to pass afterward” (8:1), and “Now it came to pass on a certain day” (8:22).
Mark likewise wrote some years after the events depicted, but very possibly with Peter at his side, filling in the blanks and bringing to light many overlooked details. Peter might have remembered and instructed Mark that the room in which Yeshua taught was so full, that the people overflowed out the door (MARK 2:2). Or he may have remembered that it was the hired servants who joined James, John and Zebedee in their boat (MARK 1:20), or that the grass whereupon they sat was green (MARK 6:39). This is all more fully developed and expounded upon in the Study, The Source and Sequence of the Gospels.
There are of course just so many ways to heal a leper; there are just so many ways to teach a truth, or to illustrate a concept. As Yeshua was healing and ministering the word unto "great multitudes" (see LUKE 7:20-22 for illustration), even an "innumerable multitude", perhaps thousands if not tens of thousands over the course of His ministry, He was bound to have two totally different events seem identical in many regards. And this has been the failing of many of the so called "harmonies" of the Gospels. They take two similar events and mistake them for being identical. This is also the shortcoming of the critics, who disbelieve the inspiration of the scriptures because they think they see discrepancies between two events which they suppose to be identical yet must be only similar.
By design or otherwise, Yeshua often repeated His teachings and illustrations. For years He spent everyday, often the entire day, teaching His disciples. Obviously He taught the same thing many times over. Just because Matthew and Luke both record some particular truth, that doesn't necessarily mean that it was on the same occasion that Yeshua taught it. Not only do the four Gospels give us evidences of this, but even each of the Gospel accounts taken by themselves illustrate that He did thus repeat Himself. To see some of these examples, go here.
Of course some events in our Lord's life could not have been duplicated. His baptism was a single experience. His choosing His twelve apostles only happened once. His transfiguration was a singular unique occurrence. These distinctive events (given in Red in the table below) give us a structure to work within so that we can then divide up the rest of His experiences into a sequence that demonstrates the general chronology of the four accounts. Certain events which I suspect of being out of their proper order (according to Luke and sometimes followed by Mark) I have colored in green in the table below.
That the four accounts don't always exactly agree with one another, is good evidence for us that they did not just copy from a common source, but were instead the work of independent narrators. To read a fuller and broader explanation of the green incidents in the table below, go here.
An example may be useful to illustrate for us the importance of reading what is written and not reading into the text our preconceived ideas. We know that immediately after His baptism, Yeshua went into the wilderness to be tempted forty days by the Devil (MARK 1:12). Yet in the fourth Gospel, it is written that "the next day after" Yeshua was hanging out with two of John's disciples, Andrew and perhaps John. What is the answer? Well, most of us assume that this "next day after" was the next day after His baptism, but the record doesn't say that. In fact, no where in John's account does it actually record Yeshua's baptism. Read it for yourself, this incident only comprises nine verses (JOHN 1:26-34). Yeshua's baptism is referred to, with many of the details of the other Gospels, but the actual baptism isn't recorded there because it had already taken place over forty days earlier.
Obviously, Yeshua must have returned to the Baptist after His forty days in the wilderness. That is the only explanation. And why not? John was preparing the minds of his disciples to follow the Messiah so it would be the natural thing for Yeshua to return there and recruit some of them, as He did. Then, "the day following", the day following Yeshua's return to John, He would go forth into Galilee to find other disciples (LUKE 4:14 JOHN 1:43).
Another thing for us to keep in mind when reading the four Gospel accounts, is that what may be a comma or even just a pause in one Gospel, might well be filled with a whole itinerary in another Gospel. The four accounts were never meant to follow the same exact story line, otherwise, there would have been need for only one Gospel. Sometimes all four come together at the same event (like when Yeshua fed the five thousand at Tiberius) but then they go there own way, following their own peculiar mission, recording those events necessary for their unique perspective. (The interested reader may want to consult the book, Why Four Gospels? by David Alan Black)
It should also be noted that there is a Divinely ordered reason for being four Gospel accounts instead of just one. Yeshua's ministry had four unique dimensions, four specific thrusts. The Gospel according to Matthew portrays Yeshua as the Lion. Here we read of Him as King (JEREMIAH 23:5, 6) and thus we have His royal lineage as recorded in the opening verses. Mark however, portrays Yeshua as the untiring worker, the Ox. In this Gospel account we read of Yeshua as the Servant (ZECHARIAH 3:8), needing no ancestry. Then Luke presents Yeshua as the Perfect Man, as the Son of Man (ZECHARIAH 6:12). Thus in his account we have Yeshua's lineage as a man, going all the way back to the first man, Adam. And finally in the fourth Gospel we see Yeshua as the Eagle, the very Son of GOD (ISAIAH 4:2).
The following table comprises a Chronology of the four Gospel accounts as best as I understand them.
The Word is towards GOD |
. |
. |
. |
1:1-5 |
Of Zacharias & Elisabeth |
. |
. |
1:5-25 |
. |
Gabriel to Mary |
. |
. |
1:26-38 |
. |
Royal linage of Yeshua |
1:1-17 |
. |
. |
. |
Joseph betrothed to Mary |
1:24 |
. |
. |
. |
Mary to visit Elisabeth |
. |
. |
1:39-56 |
. |
Joseph and Mary Wed |
1:24 |
. |
. |
. |
Of John the Baptist |
. |
. |
1:57-80 |
. |
Decree of Caesar Augustus |
. |
. |
2:1-3 |
. |
Joseph & Mary to Bethlehem |
. |
. |
2:4-5 |
. |
Yeshua is born |
1:25 |
. |
2:6-7 |
. |
The Shepherd's witness |
. |
. |
2:8-20 |
. |
Yeshua's circumcision |
. |
. |
2:21 |
. |
Brought to Jerusalem |
. |
. |
2:22-24 |
. |
Simeon's blessing |
. |
. |
2:25-35 |
. |
Anna's thanksgiving |
. |
. |
2:36-38 |
. |
They returned to Nazareth |
. |
. |
2:39-40 |
. |
Some Magi from the East arrive |
2:1-12 |
. |
. |
. |
The family flees to Egypt |
2:13-15 |
. |
. |
. |
Herod slays the two year-olds |
2:16-18 |
. |
. |
. |
Herod's death |
2:19a |
. |
. |
. |
Family returns to Nazareth |
2:19b-23 |
. |
. |
. |
Incident @ 12 yrs old in Jerusalem |
. |
. |
2:41-52 |
. |
15th year of Tiberius Caesar |
. |
. |
3:1 |
. |
John is sent |
3:1-12 |
1:2-8 |
3:2-18 |
1:6-8 |
Yeshua's baptism |
3:13-17 |
1:9-11 |
3:21-22 |
. |
Yeshua's linage to Adam, even GOD |
. |
. |
3:28-38 |
. |
Yeshua's temptations |
4:1-11 |
1:12-13 |
4:1-13 |
. |
John's testimony beyond Jordan |
. |
. |
. |
1:9-28 |
Yeshua returns to John the Baptist |
. |
. |
. |
1:29-34 |
Disciples Andrew & another follow |
. |
. |
. |
1:35-40 |
Andrew bring Peter to Yeshua |
. |
. |
. |
1:41-42 |
Yeshua to Galilee, finds Philip |
. |
. |
. |
1:43-44 |
Philip brings Nathanael to Yeshua |
. |
. |
. |
1:45-51 |
Beginning of Miracles in Cana |
. |
. |
. |
2:1-11 |
Yeshua goes to Capernaum |
. |
. |
. |
2:12 |
Passover @ Jerusalem, Spring |
. |
. |
. |
2:13-25 |
Nicodemus comes to Yeshua |
. |
. |
. |
3:1-21 |
To Land of Judaea for 8 months |
. |
. |
. |
3:22-4:2 |
(John not yet in prison) |
. |
. |
. |
(3:24) |
Yeshua left Judaea to return to Galilee |
. |
. |
. |
4:3 |
Yeshua testifies @ Jacob's well |
. |
. |
. |
4:4-42 |
After John put in prison. . . |
4:12a |
1:14a |
. |
. |
Yeshua returns to Galilee |
4:12b |
1:14b-15 |
4:14-15 |
4:43-45 |
Yeshua returns to Cana |
. |
. |
. |
4:46a |
Nobleman's son healed |
. |
. |
. |
4:46b-54 |
Goes to Nazareth and is thrust out |
. |
. |
4:16-30 |
. |
Leaves Nazareth for Capernaum |
4:13-17 |
. |
. |
. |
Simon, Andrew, James & John |
4:18-22 |
1:16-20 |
. |
. |
Yeshua goes about all Galilee |
4:23-7:29 |
. |
. |
. |
Leper healed |
8:1-4 |
. |
. |
. |
Yeshua returns to Capernaum |
8:5a |
1:21-22 |
4:31-32 |
. |
Centurion's servant healed |
8:5b-13 |
. |
7:1-10 |
. |
Heals man with unclean spirit |
. |
1:23-27 |
4:33-37 |
. |
Simon's wife's mother healed |
8:14-15 |
1:29-31 |
4:38-39 |
. |
Multitude healed |
8:16-17 |
1:32-34 |
4:40-41 |
. |
Yeshua went to prayer |
. |
1:35-37 |
4:42 |
. |
To Synagogues of Judaea |
. |
. |
4:43-44 |
. |
Preached throughout Galilee |
. |
1:38-39 |
. |
. |
Taught from ship, Gennesaret |
. |
. |
5:1-3 |
. |
Peter, James & John called again |
. |
. |
5:4-11 |
. |
Another Leper healed |
. |
1:40-45 |
5:12-14 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Yeshua named 12 apostles |
. |
3:13-19 |
6:12-16 |
. |
Taught the multitude |
. |
. |
6:17-49 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
To Nain to raise the dead son |
. |
. |
7:11-17 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Yeshua eats with Simon the Pharisee |
. |
. |
7:36-50 |
. |
Goes about every city preaching |
. |
. |
8:1-18 |
. |
The foxes have holes. . . |
8:19-22 |
. |
9:57-62 |
. |
Teaches parable from ship |
. |
4:1-34 |
8:4-18 |
. |
Yeshua calms sea |
8:23-27 |
4:35-41 |
8:22-25 |
. |
Devils enter into swine |
8:28-34 |
5:1-20 |
8:26-39 |
. |
Returned to Capernaum |
9:1 |
2:1 |
. |
. |
Man carried by four healed |
9:2-8 |
2:2-12 |
5:17-26 |
. |
Yeshua calls Matthew (Levi) |
9:9-15 |
2:14-17 |
5:27-32 |
. |
New wine into old bottles |
9:16-17 |
2:22 |
5:33-39 |
. |
To other side |
. |
5:21 |
8:40 |
. |
Jairus' daughter healed |
9:18-26 |
5:22-43 |
8:41-56 |
. |
Two blind men healed |
9:27-31 |
. |
. |
. |
False accusations by Pharisees |
9:32-34 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Taught in all the cities & villages |
9:35 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Labourers for the Harvest |
9:36-38 |
. |
. |
. |
Yeshua sends out the Twelve |
10:1-42 |
6:7-13 |
9:1-6 |
. |
Yeshua to Jerusalem, Feb/March |
. |
. |
. |
5:1-47 |
John sends two disciples to Yeshua |
11:2-19 |
. |
7:18-35 |
. |
Disciples rubbed the ears of corn |
12:1-8 |
2:23-28 |
6:1-5 |
. |
Man with withered hand healed |
12:9-13 |
3:1-5 |
6:6-10 |
. |
Yeshua withdraws from them |
12:14-21 |
. |
. |
. |
Can Satan cast out Satan? |
12:22-37 |
3:22-30 |
. |
. |
Sign of Jonah given |
12:38-45 |
. |
. |
. |
One said, "Thy mother. . ." |
12:46-50 |
3:31-35 |
8:19-21 |
. |
Taught parables from ship |
13:1-53 |
4:1-34 |
8:4-18 |
. |
Yeshua returned to own country |
13:54-58 |
6:1-6 |
. |
. |
At that time Herod heard. . . |
14:1-12 |
6:14-29 |
9:7-9 |
. |
Twelve return unto Bethsaida |
. |
6:30 |
9:10a |
. |
Departed by ship into desert place |
14:13 |
6:31-32 |
9:10b |
6:1 |
Five thousand fed at Tiberias |
14:15-21 |
6:35-44 |
9:12-17 |
6:3-13 |
Yeshua and Peter walk on water |
14:22-33 |
6:45-52 |
. |
6:16-21 |
To Land of Gennesaret |
14:34-36 |
6:53-55 |
. |
. |
In Synagogue at Capernaum |
. |
. |
. |
6:25-71 |
Two Feasts at Jerusalem, 10 days |
. |
. |
. |
7:2-10:39 |
Scribes & Pharisees question Him |
15:1-9 |
7:1-13 |
. |
. |
What defiles a man |
15:10-20 |
7:14-23 |
. |
. |
Yeshua travels to Tyre & Sidon |
15:21 |
7:24 |
. |
. |
Greek woman of Canaan |
15:22-28 |
7:25-30 |
. |
. |
From Tyre & Sidon to Galilee Sea |
15:29 |
7:31 |
. |
. |
Dumb & deaf man healed |
. |
7:32-37 |
. |
. |
Yeshua feeds the four thousand |
15:30-38 |
8:1-9 |
. |
. |
To Magadan, Dalmanutha |
15:39-16:4 |
8:10 |
. |
. |
They sail to the "other side" |
16:5-12 |
8:13-21 |
. |
. |
He came to Bethsaida |
. |
8:22a |
. |
. |
He heals blind man |
. |
8:22b-26 |
. |
. |
Caesarea-Philippi, Who am I? |
16:13-28 |
8:27-9:1 |
9:18-27 |
. |
The Transfiguration |
17:1-13 |
9:2-13 |
9:28-36 |
. |
He rebuked the unclean spirit |
17:14-21 |
9:14-29 |
9:37-43 |
. |
Yeshua to be given up |
17:22-23 |
9:31-32 |
9:44-45 |
. |
He returned to Capernaum |
17:24 |
9:33 |
. |
. |
Peter finds coin in fish's mouth |
17:25-27 |
. |
. |
. |
Who shall be greatest? |
18:1-6 |
9:34-37 |
9:46-48 |
. |
Others casting out spirits |
. |
9:38-42 |
9:49-50 |
. |
How to enter life |
18:7-11 |
9:43-50 |
. |
. |
Parable of the Lost Sheep |
18:12-14 |
. |
. |
. |
If they brother trespass. . . |
18:15-17 |
. |
. |
. |
If 2 agree touching anything. . . |
18:18-20 |
. |
. |
. |
Peter's question on forgiveness |
18:22-35 |
. |
. |
. |
To coasts of Judaea, beyond Jordan |
19:1-2 |
10:1 |
. |
10:40-42 |
To Bethany to raise Lazarus |
. |
. |
. |
11:1-44 |
Jews consult to kill Yeshua |
. |
. |
. |
11:45-53 |
To wilderness (of Galilee) |
. |
. |
. |
11:54a |
Final trip to Jerusalem planned |
. |
. |
9:51-52 |
. |
Sent messengers before Him |
. |
. |
9:53-56 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
Yeshua appoints the Seventy |
. |
. |
10:1-16 |
. |
The Seventy Return |
. |
. |
10:17-24 |
. |
The Good Samaritan |
. |
. |
10:30-37 |
. |
They enter into Martha's house |
. |
. |
10:38-42 |
. |
Teach us to pray |
. |
. |
11:1-13 |
. |
Can Satan cast out Satan? |
. |
. |
11:14-26 |
. |
Sign of Jonah given again |
. |
. |
11:29-36 |
. |
Reproves Scribes, Pharisees, etc. |
. |
. |
11:37-54 |
. |
Warned of leaven of the Pharisees |
. |
. |
12:1-59 |
. |
Ye shall likewise perish |
. |
. |
13:1-9 |
. |
Woman with infirmity 18 yrs |
. |
. |
13:10-17 |
. |
What is the kingdom of GOD like? |
. |
. |
13:18-21 |
. |
Towards Jerusalem |
. |
. |
13:22 |
. |
Enter in @ the straight gate |
. |
. |
13:23-30 |
. |
Get Thee out for Herod will kill Thee |
. |
. |
13:31-32 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
He ate with the chief of Pharisees |
. |
. |
14:1-35 |
. |
Publicans & sinners draw near |
. |
. |
15:1-17:10 |
. |
Through Samaria and Galilee |
. |
. |
17:11 |
. |
Eye of the Needle |
19:16-26 |
10:17-27 |
18:18-27 |
. |
. . . then to Ephraim |
. |
. |
. |
11:54b |
Things written by the prophets |
20:17-19 |
10:32-34 |
18:31-34 |
. |
James, John and their mother |
20:20-28 |
10:35-45 |
. |
. |
They come to Jericho, & depart |
20:29 |
10:46a |
. |
. |
Blind Bartimaeus healed |
. |
10:46b-52 |
18:35-43 |
. |
They come to second Jericho |
. |
. |
19:1 |
. |
Two more blind men healed |
20:30-34 |
. |
. |
. |
Yeshua abode with Zacchaeus |
. |
. |
19:2-10 |
. |
They came unto Bethphage |
21:1a |
11:1a |
19:29a |
. |
They came to Bethany |
. |
11:1b |
19:29b |
12:1 |
Supper with Lazarus & others |
. |
. |
. |
12:2 |
Mary anointed His feet |
. |
. |
. |
12:3-8 |
Unto Mt. of Olives |
21:1b |
11:1c |
19:29c |
. |
He sends two disciples for colt |
21:1-7 |
11:1d-7 |
19:29d-35 |
(12:14-16) |
People spread garments, etc. |
21:8-9 |
11:8-10 |
19:36-44 |
12:12-19 |
Into Jerusalem, first entrance |
. |
11:11a |
19:36-44 |
. |
They returned to Bethany |
. |
11:11b |
. |
. |
He cursed the fig tree (next day) |
. |
11:12-14 |
. |
. |
Second entrance into Jerusalem |
21:10-11 |
11:15a |
. |
. |
He cast out those in Temple |
21:12-13 |
11:15b-18 |
19:45-46 |
. |
Healed blind and lame |
21:14-16 |
. |
. |
. |
Returned to Bethany again |
21:17 |
11:19 |
. |
. |
Disciples saw fig tree dried up |
. |
11:20-26 |
. |
. |
He returned to Jerusalem again |
21:18 |
11:27a |
. |
. |
He found only leaves on fig tree |
21:19-22 |
. |
. |
. |
He taught in Temple (Sunday) |
21:23-23:39 |
11:27b-12:44 |
20:1-18 |
. |
Chief Priests sought Him |
(21:46) |
. |
20:19-20 |
. |
Show Me the tribute money |
(22:15-22) |
. |
20:21-26 |
. |
David calleth Him Lord |
22:41-45 |
12:35-37 |
20:41-44 |
. |
O Jerusalem Jerusalem. . . |
23:36-39 |
. |
13:33-35 |
. |
Unto the Mt. of Olives |
24:3a |
13:3a |
. |
. |
Teaching on His 2nd Coming |
24:3b-25:46 |
13:3b-37 |
21:5-36 |
. |
After two days is the Passover |
26:2 |
14:1a |
22:1 |
. |
Scribes etc. unto Caiaphas |
26:3-5 |
14:1b-2 |
22:2 |
. |
Yeshua in Bethany @ Simon's |
26:6 |
14:3a |
. |
. |
Woman anoints His head with ointment |
26:7-13 |
14:3b-9 |
. |
. |
Judas unto the Chief Priests |
26:14-16 |
14:10-11 |
22:3-6 |
. |
1st of Unleavened Bread (Monday) |
26:17 |
14:12 |
22:7 |
. |
"Go prepare for the Passover" |
26:18-19 |
14:13-16 |
22:8-13 |
13:1 |
Yeshua sat down with the Twelve |
26:20 |
14:17 |
22:14 |
13:2 |
He washed their feet |
. |
. |
. |
13:4-20 |
"One of you shall betray Me" |
26:21 |
14:18 |
. |
13:21 |
They ask, "Is it I?" |
26:22 |
14:19 |
. |
. |
He it is that dips in the dish |
26:23 |
14:20 |
. |
. |
Good he had never been born |
26:24 |
14:21 |
. |
. |
Judas asks, "Is it I?" |
26:25a |
. |
. |
. |
"Thou has said!" |
26:25b |
. |
. |
. |
Eat, this is My body |
26:26-29 |
14:22-25 |
22:19-20 |
. |
The betrayer's hand is on the table |
. |
. |
22:21-23 |
. |
Peter asks Lazarus who it was |
. |
. |
. |
13:23-26 |
Judas went out |
. |
. |
. |
13:27-30 |
Which should be the greatest? |
. |
. |
22:24-30 |
. |
Where I go you cannot come now |
. |
. |
. |
13:33 |
You must love one another |
. |
. |
. |
13:34-35 |
"Cannot I follow Thee now?" |
. |
. |
. |
13:36 |
Of Peter being sifted by Satan |
. |
. |
22:31-32 |
. |
Of Peter's own commitment |
. |
. |
22:33 |
13:37 |
Before the cock crow this day. . . |
. |
. |
22:34 |
13:38 |
Of His leaving them |
. |
. |
. |
14:1-31a |
They sang & went to the Mt. of Olives |
26:30 |
14:26 |
22:39 |
14:31b |
Of Peter's own commitment, again |
26:33-35 |
14:29-31 |
. |
. |
Yeshua's final exhortations |
. |
. |
. |
15:1-17:26 |
To Gethsemane |
26:36a |
14:32 |
22:40 |
18:1 |
He went to prayer |
26:36b-45 |
14:33-42 |
22:41-46 |
. |
Yeshua being taken |
26:47-56 |
14:43-52 |
22:47-53 |
18:3-12 |
(Peter cuts off Malchus' ear) |
. |
. |
(22:50-51) |
(18:10-11) |
They led Him first to Annas |
. |
. |
. |
18:13 |
Then sent Him to Caiaphas |
26:57 |
14:53 |
22:54a |
18:24 |
Peter followed to Palace |
26:58 |
14:54a |
22:54b |
18:15 |
Peter at door of Palace |
. |
. |
. |
18:16 |
Art thou one of His disciples? |
. |
. |
. |
18:17a |
They kindled a fire in the courtyard |
. |
. |
22:55a |
18:18a |
Peter sat with them by the fire |
. |
14:54b |
22:55b |
18:18b |
Caiaphas interrogates Yeshua |
. |
. |
. |
18:19-23 |
They find no true witness |
26:59-66 |
14:55-64 |
. |
. |
Servants spit on and beat Him |
26:67-68 |
14:65 |
. |
. |
Maid accused Peter in courtyard |
26:69 |
14:66-67 |
22:56 |
18:17 |
Peter's first denial |
26:70 |
14:68a |
22:57 |
18:18 |
Peter went onto porch, cock crew |
26:71a |
14:68b |
. |
. |
Another maid accused Peter |
26:71b |
14:69 |
22:58a |
. |
Peter's second denial |
26:72 |
14:70a |
22:58b |
18:25 |
"They" accused Peter |
26:73 |
14:70b |
22:59 |
18:26 |
Peter's third denial |
26:74a |
14:71 |
22:60a |
18:27a |
"Immediately" the cock crows |
26:74b |
14:72a |
22:60b |
18:27b |
Yeshua turned and beheld Peter |
. |
. |
22:61 |
. |
Peter went out and wept |
26:75 |
14:72b |
22:62 |
. |
"Who is it that smote Thee?" |
. |
. |
22:63-65 |
. |
As it became day (Tuesday) |
27:1 |
15:1a |
22:66-71 |
. |
They delivered Him to Pilate |
27:2 |
15:1b |
23:1-6 |
18:28-38 |
Judas returned money |
27:3-10 |
. |
. |
. |
Pilate sent Him to Herod |
. |
. |
23:7-11a |
. |
Yeshua returned to Pilate |
27:11-25 |
15:2-14 |
23:11b-23 |
19:1-15 |
Pilate delivered Him to be crucified |
27:26 |
15:15 |
23:24-25 |
19:16 |
Soldiers mocked & smote Him |
27:27-31a |
15:16-20a |
. |
. |
They led Him to be crucified (Wed.) |
27:31b |
15:20b |
. |
. |
Simon of Cyrene |
27:32 |
15:21 |
23:26 |
. |
"Weep not for Me" |
. |
. |
23:28-31 |
. |
Two malefactors led with Him |
. |
. |
23:32 |
. |
They came to Golgotha |
27:33 |
15:22-23 |
23:33a |
19:17 |
They crucified Him |
27:34-36 |
15:24-25 |
22:33b |
. |
The 2 malefactors then crucified also |
. |
. |
23:33c |
. |
They derided and mocked Him |
. |
. |
23:35-37 |
. |
The superscription placed |
27:37 |
15:26 |
23:38 |
19:19-22 |
Two thieves also crucified |
27:38 |
15:27 |
. |
. |
They railed on Him |
27:39-44 |
15:29-32 |
. |
. |
Darkness at the sixth hour |
27:45 |
15:33 |
23:44a |
. |
9th hour, "Eli, Eli. . ." |
27:46-47 |
15:34 |
23:44b |
. |
Yeshua yielded up the spirit |
27:50-54 |
15:37 |
23:46 |
19:30 |
Joseph obtains Yeshua's body |
27:57-59 |
15:42-46a |
23:50-53a |
19:38 |
(Nicodemus anoints His body) |
. |
. |
. |
(19:39-40) |
Yeshua placed in Sepulchre |
27:60 |
15:46 |
23:53b |
19:41-42 |
High Sabbath (Thursday) |
. |
. |
23:54 |
(1931) |
Next Day (Friday) |
27:62-66 |
. |
23:56a |
. |
Weekly Sabbath (Saturday) |
. |
. |
23:56b |
. |
Late on Saturday, before dawn |
28:1a |
. |
. |
20:1a |
The two Marys came to "see" |
28:1b |
. |
. |
20:1b |
(There had been an earthquake) |
(28:2a) |
. |
. |
. |
(An angel had rolled stone away) |
(28:2b-3) |
. |
. |
. |
Keepers become as dead |
28:4 |
. |
. |
. |
Two Marys see stone is gone |
. |
. |
. |
20:1c |
Sunday at sunrise |
. |
16:1a |
24:1a |
. |
Knowing stone is gone bring spices |
. |
16:1b-4 |
24:1b-2 |
. |
Women hear from angels & men |
28:5-7 |
16:5-7 |
24:4-8 |
. |
Women leave sepulchre |
28:8 |
16:8 |
24:9 |
. |
Mary M. runs to Peter and Lazarus |
. |
. |
. |
20:2a |
"We know not where He is" |
. |
. |
. |
20:2b |
Peter and Lazarus run to sepulchre |
. |
. |
. |
20:3-9 |
Peter and Lazarus go home |
. |
. |
. |
20:10 |
Mary Magdalene sees Yeshua |
. |
16:9 |
. |
20:11-17 |
Mary Magdalene tells 11 |
. |
16:10-11 |
. |
20:18 |
Yeshua appears to 2 on Emmaus Rd. |
. |
16:12 |
24:13-32 |
. |
The 2 run to the 11 disciples in Jerusalem |
. |
. |
24:33 |
. |
Yeshua appears unto Peter |
. |
. |
24:34 |
. |
Yeshua appears to 11 in Jerusalem |
28:9 |
16:14-20 |
24:36-44 |
20:19-23 |
"Go tell my brethren" |
28:10 |
. |
. |
. |
Thomas doubts |
. |
. |
. |
20:24-25 |
Eleven go to Galilee |
28:16-20 |
. |
. |
. |
After 8 days, Thomas sees |
. |
(16:15) |
. |
20:26-29 |
At Sea of Tiberius |
. |
. |
. |
21:1-17 |
Yeshua speaks of Peter's death |
. |
. |
. |
21:18-19 |
Peter asks about Lazarus' death |
. |
. |
. |
21:20-23 |
Yeshua opens their understanding |
. |
. |
24:45-48 |
. |
Tarry in Jerusalem for power |
. |
. |
24:49 |
. |
He led them to Bethany |
. |
. |
24:50 |
. |
Ascension |
. |
. |
24:51 |
. |
They returned to Jerusalem |
. |
. |
24:52-53 |
. |