the first epistle from JOHN
We will probably remain unable to understand much of this epistle until we first learn what was the context within which John wrote. He was not laying out for his readers a set of Christian regulations or a comprehensive doctrine for the early Church. Instead, we see in John's epistle his efforts to challenge and confront a philosophical argument; he was refuting an oriental ideology which had already began to fracture some of his reader's fellowships.
Only when we begin to grasp exactly what this dark enlightenment was, which John attempted to expose, can we then hope to understand difficult passages such as, "I write no new commandment unto you....a new commandment I write unto you" (2:7-8); or "you need not that any man teach you" (2:27); or "he that committeth sin is of the devil" (3:8); or "whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer" (3:15); or "there is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it" (5:16). These phrases might seem difficult to the modern reader, but all is made clear when we see for what purpose John was writing.
That which John was confronting in the middle part of the first century was a set of conjectures and beliefs which eventually came to be known as Gnosticism. Generally speaking, this was a blend of Hellenistic philosophy and Oriental religion which the adherents had boasted to have entered into. According to them, everyone outside of their secret societies were unaware of, and thus deprived of, the special privilege they had themselves arrived at and obtained. This movement was especially prevalent in the second century but had its beginnings in the times before the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 A.D.
This mystery religion supposedly provided its adherents with the hidden passwords and special knowledge which was required for their salvation. This knowledge came from doctrinal instruction, private rituals, aroused prophecy, secret initiations and self-discovery (know thyself). Their personal salvation was based solely on knowledge. They believed that there was little or no need for repentance nor forgiveness.
These false teachers generally proposed that good and evil mirrored spirit and matter. Thus, spirit was always good and matter was always evil. As such, according to them, it was fruitless to try and attempt to discipline one's mind or body so as to become good or righteous, because the body can't help but be enslaved to sin. Sin is to be expected. Sin is to be accepted. Sinful thoughts and actions are natural, so they thought and taught.
For them, there was no point or reason in trying to keep from sinning, or for that matter to repent of one's sins. Instead, sin as you feel you must, but rather concentrate on feeding the spirit within you. Become a spiritual being and don't worry so much about what your flesh does or desires.
They supposed that the only way to progress or mature in life was to become a spiritual man. Once a convert had accomplished that feat, it mattered not in the least what he did in the flesh. Once he had somehow become this spiritual person, then he stood head and shoulders above those which had not attained to his enlightenment, and he needn't give two hoots for another's welfare.
As this philosophy was applied to Christianity, it often interpreted those events in the following light: Yeshua (Jesus) was a regular man, who at His baptism was taken over by the Spirit, then becoming a spiritual man. Henceforth He was able to do signs, miracles and wonders, but it was not actually Yeshua who did them, but the Spirit, which they also called Christ. The words and actions were Christ's but that which was seen and heard was Yeshua. Thus, some of these false teachers considered Yeshua and the Spirit (Christ) to be two completely distinct individuals.
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Sometime either before or during His crucifixion this Christ departed from Yeshua and He died as just a regular man. Hence, the Spirit descended upon Him at His baptism but then departed from Him at the cross. What threw into disarray their conjectures, was Yeshua's resurrection. Thus, they often claimed that His resurrection appearances were only visions, not really the body, the flesh and bones of Yeshua. They even went so far as to claim that when this phantom or apparition walked along the beach, that it left no footprints in the sand.
Some of the assertions which John challenged and exposed were that these false teachers were not the ones "in the light" (2:9), and that they were not the ones who "had fellowship with GOD" (1:6). He refuted their claim that they were on a plane beyond good and evil and that they no longer had to bother with sin (1:8, 10).
These deceivers sole concern was in keeping and maintaining the decrees of their particular guild (3:4). There was no real need for empathy concerning ordinary men who had not attained to their own spirituality. They supposed that men and women who had not been initiated into their secrets were as far below them as were the lower animals. Therefore, it was not their responsibility to love those outside of their religion any more than they were bound to love the ox or the mule or any other beast of burden (3:10, 15; 4:8, 20).
By the time of John's writing, many of the more devout and committed converts of this false way had already left the Christian fellowships (2:19), or had been coerced or even forcibly removed (4:4). They subsequently went out and founded fellowships of their own, into which they were endeavoring to entice those still faithful to the Church, often promising wavering Christians some sort of liberty from their struggle with sin. Even so, some of the Christians who had remained faithful to the Christian fellowships still found this dark doctrine attractive and alluring, and it was these to whom John wrote.
John reminded them that Yeshua was truly a man of flesh (4:2), yet He was empowered by the spirit of GOD. He was the true Son, the true light, revealing to mankind the true GOD. Only by emulating Yeshua's love for others, was anyone else going to enter into and enjoy fellowship with GOD.
Furthermore, all which Yeshua had taught was not a hidden message or secret mystery, but was openly preached by the apostles and faithful disciples. There was no veiled truth yet to be discovered. The believer didn't need to be initiated into what these false prophets claimed to be some higher reality. John's readers already knew all which had been revealed (2:20); they didn't need these spiritual teachers to guide them into some secretive truth (2:27) so as to arrive upon some divine plane. Instead, the Christian needed to simply apply what he had already been taught by the apostles and disciples of the Lord.
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John further taught that the believer must recognize that sin is an evil which must be overpowered (2:13), and can be overpowered. GOD expects it, HE demands it (3:3). That overpowering must be demonstrated by good deeds (3:23).
He reminded them that the believer had already passed from death unto life (3:14), even unto eternal life (5:13). Thus, the true way to GOD was not going to be discovered by some winding stairway to heaven. An individual was not going to uncover a secret passage to GOD following some cleverly devised graduated climb into the world beyond.
Instead, it was all the other way. GOD had called them long before they ever discovered HIM. It was GOD who first ordained them, who first loved them (4:10). GOD lovingly drew them out of that old life of sin and corruption. Their new life was simply a response to that love.
Now that the believer had been called by GOD, and had answered that call, his responsibility was to follow GOD's lead. He was to obey what Yeshua taught and follow in His steps. The true Christian was to learn how not to sin, and then to learn how to be righteous. John wrote that righteousness is reasonably attained. All that it takes is a serious effort. Thus, there was no need to worry or fear the judgment of GOD. HE is merciful and understanding. They should not sin, they need not sin, but if they did they had Him as their parakletos (2:1; 3:19f).
John also alerted them to the certainty that there were false inspirations, false prophets (4:1-6). His readers were cautioned not to just passively accept prophetic words without first testing them against the backdrop of Yeshua's teachings.
The anti-christian's primary claim was to teach and impart to its adherents "what eye never saw, what ear never heard, what hand never touched...." (Traditions Old and New, by F. F. Bruce, page 107). Yet John taught them that he and his fellow apostles had themselves indeed saw this living word of GOD; they had personally touched and handled Him. He was without any doubt authentic.
With this overview of the landscape, with this outline of the events with which John was wrestling, we are now ready to approach this epistle and begin to harvest some if its rich and wholesome fruit.
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The following is a running commentary, a paraphrase if you will of John's first epistle. It is not meant to be a translation nor interpretation of the original text. Rather, what follows is meant to supplement the reader's own Bible and be read in conjunction with it. These comments are simply intended to reflect in another light some of John's thoughts in perhaps a different way from which he wrote.
In the beginning, when we (the twelve apostles) first saw the risen Lord appear before us, it was then that we knew. It was then that we recognized that everything prior to that moment no longer had any meaning. Each of our lives would now be forever altered and changed. This was indeed our new beginning.
That which we speak and believe we know to be true because we have actually heard with our own ears that word of resurrection life. We have sat stunned with rapt attention and watched as He who was dead now was alive. With our own eyes we have seen Him, and with our own hands we have touched His flesh. This unseen and unknown reality was made visible to us. Our mission now is to teach others about this unseen eternal life so that we may all share together in the joy of its reality.
Our message is that GOD is light with no darkness in HIM at all. How then can we claim to share in this eternal life if we in turn accept that there is darkness ever present within us? If HE is all light how can we truthfully say that we are in HIM if we tolerate any darkness within ourselves? Yeshua is the light of the world (JOHN 8:12). If we follow Him and adhere to His teaching, then we also are in the light and do not need to worry about being in darkness. Hereby His life's work and sacrifice, which we continually learn to emulate, cleanses us from any dark sin which may tend to creep back into our own lives.
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But on the other hand, if we try to fool ourselves into thinking that we are somehow entirely sinless, if we claim to be inherently all light, then we are self deceived. Each of us needs to be cleansed of the darkness, and that cleansing from the sins which we all know that we have committed, is first to admit our sins and then to truly repent of those sins. Only then can we be fully cleansed.
As disciples, we should ultimately come to the point in our lives where we no longer commit sin. But until we arrive at that maturity, if we do still happen to sin, we then need to admit that sin, regret that sin, acknowledging that it was wrong. After that, because we have genuinely repented of that sin, then we can have confidence that our Lord will act as our parakletos. Thus, Yeshua is the remedy for not only our own sins but also for the sins of all who seek forgiveness.
How can anyone claim to know GOD when he disobeys HIS commands? Isn't this proof positive that he in fact doesn't know HIM? If we want our love to be perfected then we must obey Yeshua's teachings; we must follow His guidance. If we ever hope to be in sync with Him, then we must learn to live as He lived.
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This should not come to you as a new commandment, for we delivered it unto you shortly after Yeshua's resurrection. Howbeit, if you have forgotten it, then indeed it may appear to you as a new commandment. We must recognize that as the night yields to the morning sun, so the darkness with which the world has been enshrouded is now yielding to the risen Lord. Thus the night is passing away.
You may have heard some man assert, I am in the light; but if he has unkind thoughts about his brother, if he dislikes or speaks despairingly about his brother, then how can he truly be in the light? This is one of the many things which we were taught by our Lord [JOHN 13:34-35]. One who hates his brother is not in the light but is actually in the dark. He is walking in a darkness where he is likely to stumble and fall. Groping around in the darkness he has no idea where he is even going, for in the darkness he might just as well be blind.
Howbeit, as my obedient disciples, you have repented and been forgiven of your sins. Some of you are indeed seasoned believers who actually knew the Lord when He walked among us. And others of you are maturing believers who are even now learning to be masters over your own body's desires. Still others of you are new converts who have just recently come to know the Father.
Therefore, do not be steered away from the truth towards the world's enticements and attractions. Do not be allured by that which the world tempts you with; for that which the godless world offers is not from the Father. It is he who learns obedience to GOD's word who is the one who will not stumble but stand strong and tall continually.
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You new converts need to know that this is the last hour. The judge is already standing at the door. The day of judgment is about to arrive with all of its terrible furry. We know this to be the case because this is what the Lord forewarned us of. Many who only pretended to be genuine disciples have left our fellowships to institute for themselves different affiliations. That they left us only proves that they were never really a part of us.
They may claim to be newly initiated into some superior mystery religion, but in truth, it is us genuine disciples who are the truly initiated ones. We are not the ones who are ignorant of the truth, for it is us who know it. They who have left our fellowships are the ones who are preaching the lie that Yeshua was not actually the Christ. These deny that GOD fathered HIS Son. What are they but antichrists? Always remember that which we have taught you since Yeshua's resurrection, that as GOD fathered the Son, so HE also claimed us as HIS children by adoption. As HIS children we are promised eternal life.
Don't be fooled into thinking that you need these antichrists to teach you so that you can be fully initiated into some higher truth. As GOD's disciples we have HIS spirit and need not to be taught by these false disciples who have abandoned our fellowships. They have left the light for the darkness. We know that He will soon appear and thus we want to make sure and be confident that at His appearing we will be accepted and unashamed. We recognize that when the righteous One appears, we who have learned righteousness will then be recognized as GOD's disciples.
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We are amazed how greatly the Father must have loved us, to adopt us as HIS children and teach us to be HIS disciples. The godless world does not recognize us as GOD's disciples just like it didn't recognize HIS own Son, despite all of the evidence to the contrary. What we shall become in HIS heavenly kingdom has not yet been disclosed, but we know that then we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He truly is. Because this hope lives within us, we devote ourselves to becoming righteous, as Yeshua also Himself learned to be righteous (HEBREWS 5:8).
These antichrists teach that there is no wrong or right. They claim that sin is inevitable because we are all sinful creatures. They then pretend to be above sin because of their artificial purifications, their pretended spirituality. They reject the accomplishments of Yeshua and instead adhere to the rules of their cult. Yet Christ came to teach us not to sin. Sin is against all of GOD's laws. We must therefore learn to cease from sin if we ever hope to become righteous.
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Being my disciples, you must not be misled by those who walk in darkness, for sin is indeed a serious matter. It is the person who does right who is righteous, not the mystic, nor the one who performs and accomplishes some prescribed plan for redemption. These antichrists show themselves to be disciples of the devil, for he sinned from the very beginning with seemingly no consequence. As such, they also think and teach that one can sin and get away with it, but Yeshua will soon make an end of the devil as well as his followers.
As GOD's adopted children we cannot allow ourselves to sin. What separates us from the godless world is our determination to not sin. As disciples of GOD, it is not possible for us to also be sinners. The plain distinction between the true disciples of GOD and the disciples of the devil is whether or not one does what is right; whether or not he accomplishes righteousness; whether or not he learns to love his brethren. Those who fail to do righteously are evidently disciples of the devil, not of Yeshua. Becoming a master over our sin and learning to become righteous is obtainable because of the love which we maintain for our brethren.
From the beginning of our gospel we have declared to you that true believers must love one another. There is no jealousy or envy or hatred in our hearts. We are not like Cain, who murdered his own brother.
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We Christians have already crossed over from death unto life. We need not an initiation into some mysterious new religion to show us the way. No mystical or religious observance can alter the simple fact that whosoever does not love, abides in death. Love is therefore the key, not secret initiations nor spiritualistic ceremonies. The kind of love that I am talking about is the love the enables one to lay down his own life for his brethren. This is what Christ did and we in turn should be as committed as He was to love our brethren.
Those who have an abundance of prosperity, yet turn away from their brethren when they are in dire need, how can divine love dwell within them? Callously leaving a brother to waste away or to be improperly sheltered and exposed to the elements is nothing else but outright murder, and as you know, no murderer has eternal life.
As my disciples, your love must be demonstrated in more than words. It must be demonstrated in actions. In this way we know that we are the ones in the truth, not the antichrists. If we are presented with an opportunity to help a brother in need, and we close our eyes to him, how can we think that GOD's love abides within us?
Turning away from an opportunity to help our despondent brethren, our conscience will no doubt condemn us. GOD knows all that is in our hearts and we will become convicted within as we are condemned by our guilt. Howbeit, if our love is genuine and our conscience does not condemn us, then we can confidently approach GOD and thereby obtain that which we ask. But, whenever our hands are closed to our brethren, then GOD's hands will be closed to us. As we act towards our brethren, so GOD will act towards us. Keeping GOD's commandments is the very thing that pleases HIM.
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Our personal responsibility is to give our allegiance to HIS Son which is evidenced by our love for the brethren. Thus, when we rush to help a brother who is in need, then we learn to recognize that HE is in us and we in HIM. We detect this from the spirit HE has given us.
But don't take for granted that all prophetic spirits are from GOD. Instead, scrutinize the spirits, for there are many prophets who speak falsely. How we recognize the spirit of GOD from the spirit of error is simply by determining whether or not they acknowledge that Yeshua as the Christ has come in the flesh. The key is how they view Yeshua. Does the prophet declare Him to be a man who learned obedience through His own life's struggles (HEBREWS 5:8), and then gave His life for the sins of His brethren and was afterward resurrected by GOD? In that case we can expect that this prophet is from GOD. But if the prophet proclaims that some ordinary man was taken over and controlled by the Spirit, then abandoned on the cross, who then died and was not bodily resurrected, then that prophet is a false prophet who speaks lies. This is what we refer to as an antichrist.
As GOD's disciples you have overcome these false prophets. We who are the true prophets are inspired by GOD. The false prophets are speaking from and to this godless world. Because they are of the godless world this world then listens to and follows them. We however belong to GOD, and he who listens to us also belongs to GOD, while those who do not belong to GOD refuse to hear us. This is another reliable way to distinguish between truth and error.
My friends, love is from GOD. Therefore we must love one another. GOD's adopted children are those who love one another. The loving know GOD while the unloving can't know GOD or anything about HIM. The Father demonstrated HIS love by sending HIS only Son into the world so as to bring us life.
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GOD didn't give HIS Son as a remedy for our defilement because we first loved HIM, but HE gave HIS Son for us long before we ever loved HIM. Therefore, we ought also to love our brethren even if they haven't yet learned to love us in return. This is how we demonstrate our love for GOD, by loving the un-loving. No man can see GOD, but we can see our brethren. Thus, when we love our brethren we show our love for GOD.
He that acknowledges that Yeshua is the Son of GOD, and that GOD sent Him into the world to save it, he it is whom GOD dwells within and then who dwells in GOD. Those are the ones GOD has imparted HIS spirit unto.
GOD is love. Simply put, he who dwells in GOD is thus dwelling in love, and GOD in him. Thus we can have confidence at the day of judgment and need not fear the outcome of that proceeding. If we are afraid of the impending judgment, then we have not yet brought our love to perfection. Thus, if someone is boasting about how much they love GOD yet they hate their brother, then they are simply lying. How can they love the invisible GOD when they can't even love the brother standing right in front of them? Indeed, Christ Himself commanded us that he who loves GOD must be able to love his brother (MATTHEW 22:37-39).
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Believing that Yeshua is the Christ is of paramount importance if we are to be accepted as the disciples of GOD. We demonstrate our love for GOD when we obey HIS commands. But this burden is not heavy; HIS commands are not oppressive. Because we are the disciples of GOD, our victory over the godless world is not an impossible task. The key to our victory is faith, which is the continual discipline of hearing and then obeying that which we have heard. Believing that Yeshua is the Son of GOD is what gives this victory.
Throughout His earthly ministry, the spirit of truth testified and bore witness that Yeshua is the Son of GOD. The spirit bore Him witness when He was baptized by John in the Jordon River when we apostles witnessed the spirit descending upon Him in the form of a dove, after which the heavenly voice declared that Yeshua was indeed HIS Son.
Then, the spirit again bore witness to Him when after being dead for three days, we witnessed that the stone was blown off and away from the tomb entrance; then we personally experienced Yeshua's subsequent resurrection appearances.
Thus we have this threefold witness from GOD; His baptism, His resurrection and the spirit intertwined throughout. They are not three separate witnesses but they are three conjoined witnesses.
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Thus, he who believes that which the Son of GOD taught is likewise believing GOD; but whosoever disbelieves the Son is making GOD out to be a liar.
Thus, true life, eternal life, is in GOD's Son. He who centers his life around GOD's Son can be confident that he has already obtained eternal life, but he who does not recognize Yeshua as GOD's Son, he who does not accept the testimony which GOD has given of HIS Son, has no eternal life within him. My purpose in writing to you is to assure you that those of you who continue to give their allegiance to the Son of GOD have already obtained eternal life.
Thus, with this confidence in our hearts, that we align ourselves with GOD's Son, we can then offer up our prayers, expecting to be heard and to receive that which we require.
If we see one of our brothers committing a sin, we can pray for him and know that our prayer is heard. Howbeit, if the brother does not recognize nor admit that he is sinning, even going so far as to defend his sin, then there is little that can be done for him. If he is of the notion that he has done nothing wrong, that he needs not to repent for his actions, then he is beyond the reach of any help. There is really not even a purpose in praying for him. He is beyond help and hope.
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These uninspired prophets and false teachers claim to know, but they don't. We genuine disciples are the ones who know. We know that no disciple of GOD sins willfully without any guilt or ill feeling. We know that we are the few who are counted as being a part of GOD's family. And we further know that the Son of GOD has come and given us an understanding of the real GOD. Because we are in HIM we are also in HIS Son. HE is the true GOD, so as His disciples, we should be on the careful watch for false gods.
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We will probably remain unable to understand much of this epistle until we first learn what was the context within which John wrote. He was not laying out for his readers a set of Christian regulations or a comprehensive doctrine for the early Church. Instead, we see in John's epistle his efforts to challenge and confront a philosophical argument; he was refuting an oriental ideology which had already began to fracture some of his reader's fellowships.
Only when we begin to grasp exactly what this dark enlightenment was, which John attempted to expose, can we then hope to understand difficult passages such as, "I write no new commandment unto you....a new commandment I write unto you" (2:7-8); or "you need not that any man teach you" (2:27); or "he that committeth sin is of the devil" (3:8); or "whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer" (3:15); or "there is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it" (5:16). These phrases might seem difficult to the modern reader, but all is made clear when we see for what purpose John was writing.
That which John was confronting in the middle part of the first century was a set of conjectures and beliefs which eventually came to be known as Gnosticism. Generally speaking, this was a blend of Hellenistic philosophy and Oriental religion which the adherents had boasted to have entered into. According to them, everyone outside of their secret societies were unaware of, and thus deprived of, the special privilege they had themselves arrived at and obtained. This movement was especially prevalent in the second century but had its beginnings in the times before the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 A.D.
This mystery religion supposedly provided its adherents with the hidden passwords and special knowledge which was required for their salvation. This knowledge came from doctrinal instruction, private rituals, aroused prophecy, secret initiations and self-discovery (know thyself). Their personal salvation was based solely on knowledge. They believed that there was little or no need for repentance nor forgiveness.
These false teachers generally proposed that good and evil mirrored spirit and matter. Thus, spirit was always good and matter was always evil. As such, according to them, it was fruitless to try and attempt to discipline one's mind or body so as to become good or righteous, because the body can't help but be enslaved to sin. Sin is to be expected. Sin is to be accepted. Sinful thoughts and actions are natural, so they thought and taught.
For them, there was no point or reason in trying to keep from sinning, or for that matter to repent of one's sins. Instead, sin as you feel you must, but rather concentrate on feeding the spirit within you. Become a spiritual being and don't worry so much about what your flesh does or desires.
They supposed that the only way to progress or mature in life was to become a spiritual man. Once a convert had accomplished that feat, it mattered not in the least what he did in the flesh. Once he had somehow become this spiritual person, then he stood head and shoulders above those which had not attained to his enlightenment, and he needn't give two hoots for another's welfare.
As this philosophy was applied to Christianity, it often interpreted those events in the following light: Yeshua (Jesus) was a regular man, who at His baptism was taken over by the Spirit, then becoming a spiritual man. Henceforth He was able to do signs, miracles and wonders, but it was not actually Yeshua who did them, but the Spirit, which they also called Christ. The words and actions were Christ's but that which was seen and heard was Yeshua. Thus, some of these false teachers considered Yeshua and the Spirit (Christ) to be two completely distinct individuals.
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Sometime either before or during His crucifixion this Christ departed from Yeshua and He died as just a regular man. Hence, the Spirit descended upon Him at His baptism but then departed from Him at the cross. What threw into disarray their conjectures, was Yeshua's resurrection. Thus, they often claimed that His resurrection appearances were only visions, not really the body, the flesh and bones of Yeshua. They even went so far as to claim that when this phantom or apparition walked along the beach, that it left no footprints in the sand.
Some of the assertions which John challenged and exposed were that these false teachers were not the ones "in the light" (2:9), and that they were not the ones who "had fellowship with GOD" (1:6). He refuted their claim that they were on a plane beyond good and evil and that they no longer had to bother with sin (1:8, 10).
These deceivers sole concern was in keeping and maintaining the decrees of their particular guild (3:4). There was no real need for empathy concerning ordinary men who had not attained to their own spirituality. They supposed that men and women who had not been initiated into their secrets were as far below them as were the lower animals. Therefore, it was not their responsibility to love those outside of their religion any more than they were bound to love the ox or the mule or any other beast of burden (3:10, 15; 4:8, 20).
By the time of John's writing, many of the more devout and committed converts of this false way had already left the Christian fellowships (2:19), or had been coerced or even forcibly removed (4:4). They subsequently went out and founded fellowships of their own, into which they were endeavoring to entice those still faithful to the Church, often promising wavering Christians some sort of liberty from their struggle with sin. Even so, some of the Christians who had remained faithful to the Christian fellowships still found this dark doctrine attractive and alluring, and it was these to whom John wrote.
John reminded them that Yeshua was truly a man of flesh (4:2), yet He was empowered by the spirit of GOD. He was the true Son, the true light, revealing to mankind the true GOD. Only by emulating Yeshua's love for others, was anyone else going to enter into and enjoy fellowship with GOD.
Furthermore, all which Yeshua had taught was not a hidden message or secret mystery, but was openly preached by the apostles and faithful disciples. There was no veiled truth yet to be discovered. The believer didn't need to be initiated into what these false prophets claimed to be some higher reality. John's readers already knew all which had been revealed (2:20); they didn't need these spiritual teachers to guide them into some secretive truth (2:27) so as to arrive upon some divine plane. Instead, the Christian needed to simply apply what he had already been taught by the apostles and disciples of the Lord.
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John further taught that the believer must recognize that sin is an evil which must be overpowered (2:13), and can be overpowered. GOD expects it, HE demands it (3:3). That overpowering must be demonstrated by good deeds (3:23).
He reminded them that the believer had already passed from death unto life (3:14), even unto eternal life (5:13). Thus, the true way to GOD was not going to be discovered by some winding stairway to heaven. An individual was not going to uncover a secret passage to GOD following some cleverly devised graduated climb into the world beyond.
Instead, it was all the other way. GOD had called them long before they ever discovered HIM. It was GOD who first ordained them, who first loved them (4:10). GOD lovingly drew them out of that old life of sin and corruption. Their new life was simply a response to that love.
Now that the believer had been called by GOD, and had answered that call, his responsibility was to follow GOD's lead. He was to obey what Yeshua taught and follow in His steps. The true Christian was to learn how not to sin, and then to learn how to be righteous. John wrote that righteousness is reasonably attained. All that it takes is a serious effort. Thus, there was no need to worry or fear the judgment of GOD. HE is merciful and understanding. They should not sin, they need not sin, but if they did they had Him as their parakletos (2:1; 3:19f).
John also alerted them to the certainty that there were false inspirations, false prophets (4:1-6). His readers were cautioned not to just passively accept prophetic words without first testing them against the backdrop of Yeshua's teachings.
The anti-christian's primary claim was to teach and impart to its adherents "what eye never saw, what ear never heard, what hand never touched...." (Traditions Old and New, by F. F. Bruce, page 107). Yet John taught them that he and his fellow apostles had themselves indeed saw this living word of GOD; they had personally touched and handled Him. He was without any doubt authentic.
With this overview of the landscape, with this outline of the events with which John was wrestling, we are now ready to approach this epistle and begin to harvest some if its rich and wholesome fruit.
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The following is a running commentary, a paraphrase if you will of John's first epistle. It is not meant to be a translation nor interpretation of the original text. Rather, what follows is meant to supplement the reader's own Bible and be read in conjunction with it. These comments are simply intended to reflect in another light some of John's thoughts in perhaps a different way from which he wrote.
- Indentions placed in this position are related comments upon the text from other sources, but are not intended to be directly connected to the passage at hand.
- (1:1-4)
In the beginning, when we (the twelve apostles) first saw the risen Lord appear before us, it was then that we knew. It was then that we recognized that everything prior to that moment no longer had any meaning. Each of our lives would now be forever altered and changed. This was indeed our new beginning.
That which we speak and believe we know to be true because we have actually heard with our own ears that word of resurrection life. We have sat stunned with rapt attention and watched as He who was dead now was alive. With our own eyes we have seen Him, and with our own hands we have touched His flesh. This unseen and unknown reality was made visible to us. Our mission now is to teach others about this unseen eternal life so that we may all share together in the joy of its reality.
- (1:5-7)
Our message is that GOD is light with no darkness in HIM at all. How then can we claim to share in this eternal life if we in turn accept that there is darkness ever present within us? If HE is all light how can we truthfully say that we are in HIM if we tolerate any darkness within ourselves? Yeshua is the light of the world (JOHN 8:12). If we follow Him and adhere to His teaching, then we also are in the light and do not need to worry about being in darkness. Hereby His life's work and sacrifice, which we continually learn to emulate, cleanses us from any dark sin which may tend to creep back into our own lives.
- When John wrote that GOD is light, he was not intending to say that GOD is good. He had the word good in his vocabulary (kalos, JOHN 10:11,14,32,33), and could have used it if that was what he meant. GOD being light means that GOD is illuminating, enlightening and informative. GOD is able to open our eyes that we need not stumble around in the dark. GOD is able to awaken us to the reality of spiritual things so that we are not led around by those who are themselves blind.
- The way in which Yeshua's blood cleanses the believer, is not by the magical touch of some ordained clergy, whereby he has imparted to the new convert some kind of "baptism by the holy Ghost". Rather, this cleansing occurs as the believer becomes deeply appreciative that Yeshua's own sacrifice was for the purpose that each disciple can also now attain unto righteousness. If we sin with the attitude that it is no big deal, then we discount His great sacrifice. Being ever conscience of His passion should spur us on to be profoundly committed to be done with sin, and then to learn righteousness (2 CORINTHIANS 5:14-17).
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- (1:8-10)
But on the other hand, if we try to fool ourselves into thinking that we are somehow entirely sinless, if we claim to be inherently all light, then we are self deceived. Each of us needs to be cleansed of the darkness, and that cleansing from the sins which we all know that we have committed, is first to admit our sins and then to truly repent of those sins. Only then can we be fully cleansed.
- The cleansing is in the repentance; it is in the sincere regret that we have sinned. The cleansing is in the turning away from what is sinful. The cleansing is in the doctrine, reproof and correction of the word of GOD. The cleansing is by the words of GOD's Son, not by any Church service or religious ceremony we might participate in. It is our hearts that need cleansed, not our bodies. (MATTHEW 23:26 EPHESIANS 5:26 JAMES 4:8)
- (2:1-2)
As disciples, we should ultimately come to the point in our lives where we no longer commit sin. But until we arrive at that maturity, if we do still happen to sin, we then need to admit that sin, regret that sin, acknowledging that it was wrong. After that, because we have genuinely repented of that sin, then we can have confidence that our Lord will act as our parakletos. Thus, Yeshua is the remedy for not only our own sins but also for the sins of all who seek forgiveness.
- GOD sees HIS entire creation from beginning to end. Thus, HE knows if our repentance is genuine and honest and HE then can grant us the renewal which we all need as we apply ourselves to be righteous, to be sinless. But we must demonstrate a diligent effort in being righteous and not just dismiss our sin as being unavoidable or just a trivial matter not to be concerned with.
- (2:3-6)
How can anyone claim to know GOD when he disobeys HIS commands? Isn't this proof positive that he in fact doesn't know HIM? If we want our love to be perfected then we must obey Yeshua's teachings; we must follow His guidance. If we ever hope to be in sync with Him, then we must learn to live as He lived.
- Only those who keep and obey His word can expect the love of GOD to be perfected within them. Yeshua taught that His followers needed to abide in Him if they were to produce any spiritual fruit. Otherwise they were to be as fruitless branches which are good for nothing but to be cast into the fire and burned. Howbeit, if His words abided within them as they abided in Him, then their prayers would be answered and they would find that they were producing an abundance of fruit. As such, they would be His disciples (JOHN 15:1-8).
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- (2:7-8)
This should not come to you as a new commandment, for we delivered it unto you shortly after Yeshua's resurrection. Howbeit, if you have forgotten it, then indeed it may appear to you as a new commandment. We must recognize that as the night yields to the morning sun, so the darkness with which the world has been enshrouded is now yielding to the risen Lord. Thus the night is passing away.
- But it is only passing away for those in the light. The darkness is still there, the night is ever present, just on the hidden side where the sun is not shinning.
- (2:9-11)
You may have heard some man assert, I am in the light; but if he has unkind thoughts about his brother, if he dislikes or speaks despairingly about his brother, then how can he truly be in the light? This is one of the many things which we were taught by our Lord [JOHN 13:34-35]. One who hates his brother is not in the light but is actually in the dark. He is walking in a darkness where he is likely to stumble and fall. Groping around in the darkness he has no idea where he is even going, for in the darkness he might just as well be blind.
- (2:12-14)
Howbeit, as my obedient disciples, you have repented and been forgiven of your sins. Some of you are indeed seasoned believers who actually knew the Lord when He walked among us. And others of you are maturing believers who are even now learning to be masters over your own body's desires. Still others of you are new converts who have just recently come to know the Father.
- John writes to three classes of disciples; the fathers (pater, the seasoned believers), the young men (neaniskos, the maturing believers), and to the little children (paidion, the new converts).
- (2:15-17)
Therefore, do not be steered away from the truth towards the world's enticements and attractions. Do not be allured by that which the world tempts you with; for that which the godless world offers is not from the Father. It is he who learns obedience to GOD's word who is the one who will not stumble but stand strong and tall continually.
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- (2:18-19)
You new converts need to know that this is the last hour. The judge is already standing at the door. The day of judgment is about to arrive with all of its terrible furry. We know this to be the case because this is what the Lord forewarned us of. Many who only pretended to be genuine disciples have left our fellowships to institute for themselves different affiliations. That they left us only proves that they were never really a part of us.
- RSV MATTHEW 24:10-11 And then many will fall away, and betray one another, and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.
- (2:20-25)
They may claim to be newly initiated into some superior mystery religion, but in truth, it is us genuine disciples who are the truly initiated ones. We are not the ones who are ignorant of the truth, for it is us who know it. They who have left our fellowships are the ones who are preaching the lie that Yeshua was not actually the Christ. These deny that GOD fathered HIS Son. What are they but antichrists? Always remember that which we have taught you since Yeshua's resurrection, that as GOD fathered the Son, so HE also claimed us as HIS children by adoption. As HIS children we are promised eternal life.
- Yeshua was GOD's only begotten Son (JOHN 1:14). That plainly means that any other child of GOD cannot be begotten, but must therefore be by adoption. But being adopted was not a trivial arrangement. The adoptee must give some indication of his worth before the master would initiate proceedings for the adoption. See the Study, Of Birth or Adoption.
- The liar is he who denies that Yeshua is the Christ. John could have so easily of written that the liar is he who denied that Yeshua was GOD, but he didn't. Neither did any other Biblical writer. Believing that Yeshua was GOD was never a test for authenticity.
- The antichrists were those who did not believe that GOD fathered HIS Son. If one believes in the Trinity, that GOD became a man so as to save mankind, is this not the same thing as denying that GOD fathered a Son? Any unprejudiced mind should see the thorny problem which Trinitarians have created for themselves.
- (2:26-29)
Don't be fooled into thinking that you need these antichrists to teach you so that you can be fully initiated into some higher truth. As GOD's disciples we have HIS spirit and need not to be taught by these false disciples who have abandoned our fellowships. They have left the light for the darkness. We know that He will soon appear and thus we want to make sure and be confident that at His appearing we will be accepted and unashamed. We recognize that when the righteous One appears, we who have learned righteousness will then be recognized as GOD's disciples.
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- (3:1-3)
We are amazed how greatly the Father must have loved us, to adopt us as HIS children and teach us to be HIS disciples. The godless world does not recognize us as GOD's disciples just like it didn't recognize HIS own Son, despite all of the evidence to the contrary. What we shall become in HIS heavenly kingdom has not yet been disclosed, but we know that then we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He truly is. Because this hope lives within us, we devote ourselves to becoming righteous, as Yeshua also Himself learned to be righteous (HEBREWS 5:8).
- This is a theme which Yeshua repeatedly taught His followers. We can have confidence that John's message was the one which his risen Lord had wanted him to teach.
- (3:4-6)
These antichrists teach that there is no wrong or right. They claim that sin is inevitable because we are all sinful creatures. They then pretend to be above sin because of their artificial purifications, their pretended spirituality. They reject the accomplishments of Yeshua and instead adhere to the rules of their cult. Yet Christ came to teach us not to sin. Sin is against all of GOD's laws. We must therefore learn to cease from sin if we ever hope to become righteous.
- John was not suggesting that a Christian never sins, for he had plainly stated in the first chapter that if someone claimed not to have ever sinned, then he was a liar. Instead, John was repudiating the claims of some of the antichristians that they could sin with no consequences.
- When John wrote of sin here, he was referring to the deliberate choice to sin, and then of the callous defense of that sin. The distinction was between the Christian who happened to sin, and the antichristian who was a perpetual sinner. His context must be considered if we are to understand his arguments and warnings.
- The believer must first recognize his sin and its severe consequences, and then he must go even further and forsake sin. The genuine believer does not deliberately sin, but if sin does enter into his life, he definitely does not defend it but instead rejects it and then sincerely repents.
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- (3:7-8)
Being my disciples, you must not be misled by those who walk in darkness, for sin is indeed a serious matter. It is the person who does right who is righteous, not the mystic, nor the one who performs and accomplishes some prescribed plan for redemption. These antichrists show themselves to be disciples of the devil, for he sinned from the very beginning with seemingly no consequence. As such, they also think and teach that one can sin and get away with it, but Yeshua will soon make an end of the devil as well as his followers.
- Water baptism does not make us righteous. Speaking in tongues does not make us righteous. Partaking in Communion does not make us righteous. Only true and honest love in action can make us righteous.
- (3:9-10)
As GOD's adopted children we cannot allow ourselves to sin. What separates us from the godless world is our determination to not sin. As disciples of GOD, it is not possible for us to also be sinners. The plain distinction between the true disciples of GOD and the disciples of the devil is whether or not one does what is right; whether or not he accomplishes righteousness; whether or not he learns to love his brethren. Those who fail to do righteously are evidently disciples of the devil, not of Yeshua. Becoming a master over our sin and learning to become righteous is obtainable because of the love which we maintain for our brethren.
- (3:11-12)
From the beginning of our gospel we have declared to you that true believers must love one another. There is no jealousy or envy or hatred in our hearts. We are not like Cain, who murdered his own brother.
- And why? Why did Cain take it upon himself to murder his very own brother? Because Cain's offering was rejected by GOD while his brother's was accepted. Cain failed to gain GOD's approval because he offered to GOD that which was of his own making, the works of his own hands, while Abel on the other hand offered unto GOD what GOD required, the shed blood of one of his flock. Abel obeyed GOD's command in his offering while Cain sought to impress GOD by bettering his brother's offering. Howbeit, GOD accepted Abel's blood sacrifice and rejected the toil of Cain's labors in the field (HEBREWS 11:4). GOD accepted the obedience of Abel and rejected the religion of Cain.
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- (3:13-16)
We Christians have already crossed over from death unto life. We need not an initiation into some mysterious new religion to show us the way. No mystical or religious observance can alter the simple fact that whosoever does not love, abides in death. Love is therefore the key, not secret initiations nor spiritualistic ceremonies. The kind of love that I am talking about is the love the enables one to lay down his own life for his brethren. This is what Christ did and we in turn should be as committed as He was to love our brethren.
- (3:17)
Those who have an abundance of prosperity, yet turn away from their brethren when they are in dire need, how can divine love dwell within them? Callously leaving a brother to waste away or to be improperly sheltered and exposed to the elements is nothing else but outright murder, and as you know, no murderer has eternal life.
- Today there are an abundance of relief agencies to give aid to those in need. Howbeit, in the first century this was not the case. Many starving and destitute people assembled at the city gates begging for any pity the passerby might throw their way. It was well within the realm of possibility that turning away from a brother in need might mean his death sentence. Of course we are reminded of the Lord's parable of the good Samaritan (LUKE 10:30-37).
- (3:18-19)
As my disciples, your love must be demonstrated in more than words. It must be demonstrated in actions. In this way we know that we are the ones in the truth, not the antichrists. If we are presented with an opportunity to help a brother in need, and we close our eyes to him, how can we think that GOD's love abides within us?
- (3:20-22)
Turning away from an opportunity to help our despondent brethren, our conscience will no doubt condemn us. GOD knows all that is in our hearts and we will become convicted within as we are condemned by our guilt. Howbeit, if our love is genuine and our conscience does not condemn us, then we can confidently approach GOD and thereby obtain that which we ask. But, whenever our hands are closed to our brethren, then GOD's hands will be closed to us. As we act towards our brethren, so GOD will act towards us. Keeping GOD's commandments is the very thing that pleases HIM.
- ROMANS 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
- HEBREWS 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
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- (3:23-24)
Our personal responsibility is to give our allegiance to HIS Son which is evidenced by our love for the brethren. Thus, when we rush to help a brother who is in need, then we learn to recognize that HE is in us and we in HIM. We detect this from the spirit HE has given us.
- (4:1-3)
But don't take for granted that all prophetic spirits are from GOD. Instead, scrutinize the spirits, for there are many prophets who speak falsely. How we recognize the spirit of GOD from the spirit of error is simply by determining whether or not they acknowledge that Yeshua as the Christ has come in the flesh. The key is how they view Yeshua. Does the prophet declare Him to be a man who learned obedience through His own life's struggles (HEBREWS 5:8), and then gave His life for the sins of His brethren and was afterward resurrected by GOD? In that case we can expect that this prophet is from GOD. But if the prophet proclaims that some ordinary man was taken over and controlled by the Spirit, then abandoned on the cross, who then died and was not bodily resurrected, then that prophet is a false prophet who speaks lies. This is what we refer to as an antichrist.
- Again, it was Yeshua who came in the flesh, not GOD. The litmus test for a true prophet was whether or not he recognized that Yeshua, as the Messiah, came in the flesh. If one instead believes and teaches that it was GOD who came in the flesh, then we must question whether he is genuine.
- (4:4-6)
As GOD's disciples you have overcome these false prophets. We who are the true prophets are inspired by GOD. The false prophets are speaking from and to this godless world. Because they are of the godless world this world then listens to and follows them. We however belong to GOD, and he who listens to us also belongs to GOD, while those who do not belong to GOD refuse to hear us. This is another reliable way to distinguish between truth and error.
- (4:7-9)
My friends, love is from GOD. Therefore we must love one another. GOD's adopted children are those who love one another. The loving know GOD while the unloving can't know GOD or anything about HIM. The Father demonstrated HIS love by sending HIS only Son into the world so as to bring us life.
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- (4:10-12)
GOD didn't give HIS Son as a remedy for our defilement because we first loved HIM, but HE gave HIS Son for us long before we ever loved HIM. Therefore, we ought also to love our brethren even if they haven't yet learned to love us in return. This is how we demonstrate our love for GOD, by loving the un-loving. No man can see GOD, but we can see our brethren. Thus, when we love our brethren we show our love for GOD.
- (4:13-16a)
He that acknowledges that Yeshua is the Son of GOD, and that GOD sent Him into the world to save it, he it is whom GOD dwells within and then who dwells in GOD. Those are the ones GOD has imparted HIS spirit unto.
- Notice that John declared that GOD sent HIS Son. GOD didn't come into the world himself. GOD did not become a man. HE was not a man-GOD as we sometimes hear Yeshua described.
- John repeatedly made it clear that an individual must acknowledge Yeshua as GOD's Son to be a genuine believer. He could so easily have written that we must acknowledge Yeshua to be GOD, but he says nothing of the sort. There is no hint or suggestion in scripture that GOD Almighty is comprised of three distinct persons or natures. This fallacy was a later invention which came to be known as the Trinity (see the Study, The Origins of the Trinity).
- (4:16b-21)
GOD is love. Simply put, he who dwells in GOD is thus dwelling in love, and GOD in him. Thus we can have confidence at the day of judgment and need not fear the outcome of that proceeding. If we are afraid of the impending judgment, then we have not yet brought our love to perfection. Thus, if someone is boasting about how much they love GOD yet they hate their brother, then they are simply lying. How can they love the invisible GOD when they can't even love the brother standing right in front of them? Indeed, Christ Himself commanded us that he who loves GOD must be able to love his brother (MATTHEW 22:37-39).
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- (5:1-5)
Believing that Yeshua is the Christ is of paramount importance if we are to be accepted as the disciples of GOD. We demonstrate our love for GOD when we obey HIS commands. But this burden is not heavy; HIS commands are not oppressive. Because we are the disciples of GOD, our victory over the godless world is not an impossible task. The key to our victory is faith, which is the continual discipline of hearing and then obeying that which we have heard. Believing that Yeshua is the Son of GOD is what gives this victory.
- The Greek word gennao which is translated in 5:1 by the word born, can mean to be literally born as a mother gives birth to her children. But it can also mean to be converted, as when Paul declared that the Corinthian believers were begotten by him (1 CORINTHIANS 4:15); or when he wrote Philemon that he had converted Philemon's fugitive slave Onesimus during one of Paul's imprisonments (PHILEMON 1:10).
- Paul described Onesimus as his son [teknon]. This Greek word teknon can mean a literal son but it can also mean a student or disciple. Onesimus was Paul's disciple because Paul had converted him. Paul also called Timothy his son (1 TIMOTHY 1:2), not because he was literally his son but because Timothy was his follower, Paul's disciple. Paul called the believers in Galatia his children [teknion] because he considered them also to be his disciples or converts (GALATIANS 4:19).
- John noted in his Gospel that believers were given the choice to become the sons [teknon] of God (JOHN 1:12). Of course believers are not literally sons of GOD, for Yeshua is GOD's only true Son, but believers are given the opportunity to become adopted sons, disciples of GOD.
- Yeshua Himself called his followers little children (teknion), for they chose to follow Him and be His disciples (JOHN 13:33). This is precisely what John was referring to in this epistle when he wrote to "his little children", calling them the "children of GOD" and the "sons of GOD". Likewise, those whom he called the "children of the devil" were none other than followers or disciples of the devil, not literally sons and daughters of the devil.
- (5:6-10)
Throughout His earthly ministry, the spirit of truth testified and bore witness that Yeshua is the Son of GOD. The spirit bore Him witness when He was baptized by John in the Jordon River when we apostles witnessed the spirit descending upon Him in the form of a dove, after which the heavenly voice declared that Yeshua was indeed HIS Son.
Then, the spirit again bore witness to Him when after being dead for three days, we witnessed that the stone was blown off and away from the tomb entrance; then we personally experienced Yeshua's subsequent resurrection appearances.
Thus we have this threefold witness from GOD; His baptism, His resurrection and the spirit intertwined throughout. They are not three separate witnesses but they are three conjoined witnesses.
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Thus, he who believes that which the Son of GOD taught is likewise believing GOD; but whosoever disbelieves the Son is making GOD out to be a liar.
- How can one claim to be a Christian when he spends his energies shredding the writings of Yeshua's disciples? If all he finds written there is contradictions and falsehoods, he has removed himself from the fellowship of believers.
- Consider and ponder whether or not GOD would give HIS Son to die such an horrendous death and then not make sure that the details of His life and work were preserved. If the scriptures can not be trusted to depict the actual events in the life and times of GOD's Son, then there was absolutely no point in Him sacrificing Himself on that cross. It was all utterly pointless if nobody was going to preserve an accurate record of it.
- If we are going to reject the scriptures, then we might as well reject Him of whom the scriptures testify. If we are going to deny the testimony of the witnesses of Yeshua's resurrection, then we might just as well deny that He ever lived, or died, or was resurrected. What have we then? Nothing.
- This Book which we hold in our hands speaks to us as loudly today as did Yeshua along the shores of the sea of Galilee two thousand years ago. How we choose to respond to its warnings and exhortations will determine our fate, exactly as those in Yeshua's audience were held accountable for how they responded to His words.
- (5:11-13)
Thus, true life, eternal life, is in GOD's Son. He who centers his life around GOD's Son can be confident that he has already obtained eternal life, but he who does not recognize Yeshua as GOD's Son, he who does not accept the testimony which GOD has given of HIS Son, has no eternal life within him. My purpose in writing to you is to assure you that those of you who continue to give their allegiance to the Son of GOD have already obtained eternal life.
- (5:14-15)
Thus, with this confidence in our hearts, that we align ourselves with GOD's Son, we can then offer up our prayers, expecting to be heard and to receive that which we require.
- (5:16-17)
If we see one of our brothers committing a sin, we can pray for him and know that our prayer is heard. Howbeit, if the brother does not recognize nor admit that he is sinning, even going so far as to defend his sin, then there is little that can be done for him. If he is of the notion that he has done nothing wrong, that he needs not to repent for his actions, then he is beyond the reach of any help. There is really not even a purpose in praying for him. He is beyond help and hope.
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- The unforgivable sin is to reject the spirit of GOD (MARK 3:28-29). If we are absolutely convinced that we are right in our understanding of the scriptures when we are dead wrong, no amount of talking will convince us otherwise.
- If we have closed off our ears to the doctrine, reproof and correction of the scriptures, then our instruction in righteousness has ceased. If we insist on plunging headlong into error who can stop us? As the songwriter so aptly put it, it is like waving a lantern at a runaway train.
- But if we are still willing to bow to the word of GOD, to let it shape and mould us, then we remain as soft clay in the hand of our maker. Howbeit, if we have become firm and stubborn in our beliefs, then we have also become brittle as an old dead tree. See the Study, The Unforgivable Sin.
- (5:18-21)
These uninspired prophets and false teachers claim to know, but they don't. We genuine disciples are the ones who know. We know that no disciple of GOD sins willfully without any guilt or ill feeling. We know that we are the few who are counted as being a part of GOD's family. And we further know that the Son of GOD has come and given us an understanding of the real GOD. Because we are in HIM we are also in HIS Son. HE is the true GOD, so as His disciples, we should be on the careful watch for false gods.
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